We are WorkCover Qld approved acupuncture provider to injured workers.
Service conditions
Services provided to injured workers are subject to the following conditions:
• Treatment sessions – where the claim has been accepted, the insurer will pay for the initial acupuncture sessions without prior approval. Any subsequent consultation for acupuncture requires insurer approval.
• Incidentals – All acupuncture needles are consumables and are not subsidised by the insurer
• Provider management plan – this form is available on the Workers’ Compensation Regulator’s website (www.worksafe.qld.gov.au) and is to be completed if treatment is required after any pre-approved sessions or any services where prior approval is required. An insurer may require the Provider management plan to be provided either verbally or in written format. (Check with each insurer as to their individual requirements). The insurer will not pay for the preparation or completion of a Provider management plan
• Approval for other services or sessions – approval must be obtained for any service requiring prior approval from the insurer before commencing treatment
• Payment of treatment – all fees payable are listed in the Chinese Medicine Practitioner table of costs. For services not outlined in the table of costs, prior approval from the insurer is required
• Treatment period – treatment will be deemed to have ended if there is no treatment for a period of two (2) calendar months. After this a Provider management plan needs to be submitted for further treatment to be provided. (The worker must also obtain another referral)
• End of treatment – all payment for treatment ends where there is either no further medical certification, the presenting condition has been resolved, the insurer finalises/ceases the claim, the worker is not complying with treatment or the worker has achieved maximum function
• Change of provider – the insurer will pay for another initial consultation by a new provider if the worker has changed providers (not within the same practice). The new provider will be required to submit a Provider management plan for further treatment outlining the number of sessions the worker has received previously
Source: www.worksafe.qld.gov.au