What is cupping therapy?
Cupping is a less well known therapy of Chinese medicine compared to Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. It involves the application of either glass or plastic suction cups along on specific acupuncture points, meridians or strategic locations to move stagnant energy or blood to the surface. Cupping therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture.
Cupping is a less well known therapy of Chinese medicine compared to Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. It involves the application of either glass or plastic suction cups along on specific acupuncture points, meridians or strategic locations to move stagnant energy or blood to the surface. Cupping therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture.
How does Cupping work?
Traditionally, the practitioner placed glass, bamboo or ceramic jars containing reduced air pressure (suction) on the patient's body. The vacuum in the cup draws up the skin inside the cup and anchors the cup. It does not hurt. When the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup the blood rushes up. Several cups can be used at the same treatment session depending on the patient's condition and what the treatment is to achieve. People get it for many purposes, including to help with aches and pains, Qi and blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
Traditionally, the practitioner placed glass, bamboo or ceramic jars containing reduced air pressure (suction) on the patient's body. The vacuum in the cup draws up the skin inside the cup and anchors the cup. It does not hurt. When the skin gets sucked up and rises under the cup the blood rushes up. Several cups can be used at the same treatment session depending on the patient's condition and what the treatment is to achieve. People get it for many purposes, including to help with aches and pains, Qi and blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.
What about the mark left after cupping?
After the cups are placed on the body for the desired period of time, they are removed and obviously the suction will leave a red mark on the skin. The interesting fact though is that if the person is really healthy, then the redness will dissipate very quickly with the skin returning to its normal colour, usually within minutes or hours.
However, if the person is suffering from ill health, injury, or Qi and blood blockages, then when the cup is removed, it's very likely that there will be some type of bruising mark left on the skin. And this will resolve in a few days rather than a few hours.
After the cups are placed on the body for the desired period of time, they are removed and obviously the suction will leave a red mark on the skin. The interesting fact though is that if the person is really healthy, then the redness will dissipate very quickly with the skin returning to its normal colour, usually within minutes or hours.
However, if the person is suffering from ill health, injury, or Qi and blood blockages, then when the cup is removed, it's very likely that there will be some type of bruising mark left on the skin. And this will resolve in a few days rather than a few hours.