The feet are a microcosm of the body as a whole. Chinese Foot Reflexology, an ancient technique of Tradition Chinese medicine, has been used in disease prevention and treatment for centuries.
As an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine Remedial Massage (TCMRM), Chinese reflexology concentrates mainly on the reflex areas and sections of meridians on the feet, which correspond to different parts and organs of the body. These energy zones are stimulated by specific techniques of TCMRM to release energy blockages and stress and improves circulation.
The Vital energy called “Qi” flows upwards through meridians in the foot throughout the rest of the body, therefore reflexology is beneficial for your whole body! And it is a totally natural and holistic process, can be used to help with
• Heel pain, foot pain, ankle sprain, arthritis, cold feet ,
• Poor circulation, fatigue and stress
• Excellent treatment for people standing on their feet all day
• Ideal for clients who don’t want to disrobe
The pressure can be varies according to your preference. Like any form of massage benefits increase with regular treatments.
• Heel pain, foot pain, ankle sprain, arthritis, cold feet ,
• Poor circulation, fatigue and stress
• Excellent treatment for people standing on their feet all day
• Ideal for clients who don’t want to disrobe
The pressure can be varies according to your preference. Like any form of massage benefits increase with regular treatments.